revelling in all things odd, dark, delicious, and aquamarine.


So it's been an intensely long time since myself, Jennanigans, or my blogger life-partner, Kelsery, has updated this blog. For starters let me just say:

We're back. And, oh boy, do we have things to talk about. It's been two eventful years since an update has been written here; that's like 2,000 years in internet years!

Anyway, here's the scoop on the life and times of Jennanigans.

Theodore got a new friend. After I moved from a three-bedroom house to a small studio apartment and got a full-time job and wasn't around as much, Theo was lonely (and being a complete pain in the ass). So Dear Prudence came into our lives! Look at how cute she is.

Prue doesn't always give you the stink eye, but when she does, she means it.

Shortly after Miss Prue came into my life, I met a boy. At a tattoo shop. As it turns out he's pretty amazing and it didn't take long for me to fall pretty hard for him. And for some reason he fell for me too! It wasn't long and we were living together. We are absolutely disgustingly happy pretty much all the time. Gross, right? I know. I love it. Look at how cute we are.

Adorable, right? I know.
Let it also be known that said wonderful, fantastical, amazing boyfriend has two daughters, Haylyn (8 years old) and Lydia (5-almost-6 years old). We get along really well and generally have a pretty good time when we have them. Haylyn is the leader of the pack at home with her sister or even at the park with all the younger kids. She's really into drawing and painting, and generally just playing make-up games with dolls and toys. Lydia is quieter, a bit more shy, and creative, though she'll put you in your place if she feels the need too. She loves to cook and bake and do various arts and crafts. It can be an interesting dynamic some days! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing them grow up (but not too fast...) Look at how cute they are.

Miss Haylyn & Miss Lydia respectively
Let's see... Oh yes, I finally landed a full-time job with insurance and ridiculously awesome benefits at Half Price Books. The company is great to work for, I have pretty amazing coworkers (enablers), and I get to fondle books, movies, and music all day. Seriously, it's pretty amazing. If there's a store located anywhere close to you, check it out. There's more than books there if you're not a reader.

Music has taken a bit of backseat as of late, but I have a couple projects that I'm going to be starting soon. One of which is starting playing cello again. Did I mention that I have the best boyfriend ever? Because I do. For my birthday, I got a cello so that I can start playing, something I have wanted to do for years now. There's a couple things I need to have done to it to get it in top playing condition, and then watching out. Pretty amazing. I'm also hoping to start doing some vocals for my friends in a local band, but that's still up in the air. We'll see how things go with that.

Writing has also taken a backseat for the last year or so. Hopefully this blog will remedy that, however. Whether I ramble about my life or music, books or movies, or what have you, at least I'll be writing something.

My addiction to the internet has brought some happy things to me over the last couple years.

Pinterest for example. By now, Pinterest isn't really new news, but it makes the list nonetheless. If you're one of those 'afraid of social media' and all that ridiculousness, relax. It's not you're typical social media because you don't really have to be social on it at all. Messages are not sent from user to user. You don't have to give them you're social security number to browse. It's just loads and loads of craft ideas, wedding planning ideas, recipes, household tips and tricks, help with organizing, silly photos, etc. Basically, it's awesome. I have found so many amazing recipes and ideas on there it's just fabulous. Do try it out if you haven't already.

This cartoon is pretty accurate, really...
The newest feline internet phenomenon known as Grumpy Cat, otherwise known as Tard (short for Tartar Sauce) also makes my favorite internet things as well. I mean seriously. Look at that face, look at how cute she is.

And then click here for more wonderful Grumpy Cat memes. Oh, and in case you were wondering but didn't want to take the time to look it up, Grumpy Cat does have her own website. Check it out here right meow to get your daily Grump.

This doesn't really have anything to do with the internet, but another one of my favorite things right now is Book Lover's Scrabble. My boyfriend got it for me for Christmas this past year and I'm totally hooked. I'm hoping that I'll be able to set up a Scrabble night with friends and co-workers a couple times a month, alternating with the boy's Pathfinder gaming nights and biweekly dinners with friends (my goodness we've become so social!!). If Booklover's Scrabble isn't something that tickles your fancy, try Gardening Scrabble, Cooking Scrabble, traditional, regular old Scrabble Scrabble, or Twister... Because why not?
I think that's enough rambling on my part for now. I'm quite sure it won't be long before another update is posted.



Jennanigans' 2/27 Horoscope...

If you have been waiting for a time when things would free up a bit in your life - congratulations it is here! The rough road you have been traveling is going to get decidedly smoother and sunnier. Take a deep breath and enjoy the fact that no one is looking over your shoulder anymore and no one is tapping their foot waiting for you. The strings that were attached to your have been clipped, and you are free to roam on your own. Enjoy yourself!


Follow up...

I just read my horoscope for today:

Flexing your muscles would do you some good today, so put on some comfortable clothes and don't forget your warm up stretches! There's a strong air of possibility around you -- circumstances beyond your control will put you in the middle of the action, and that means you'll have some insight that others would give their right arm for. Don't hesitate to use your knowledge. Respect other people, but trust that they want your success just as much as you do.

- Jennanigans

When one door closes...

I'm suddenly in a better mood than I have been for three months. And it is glorious. Though I feel like this sudden bout of amazing weather the Twin Cities have been experiencing has something to do with it, I feel like the following is more likely the reason.

Friday night I received a phone call from my temp agency, Pro Staff, while I was standing in front of Bubba Gump Shrimp at Mall of America (of all places).

Pro Staff: Is Jenna available?
Jenna: May I ask who's calling?
Pro Staff: This is ____ from Pro Staff.
Jenna: Oh, hi! What's going on?
Pro Staff: Hi, Jenna. Unfortunately I'm calling to tell you that your assignment at Rels has ended.
Jenna: ....OK.
Pro Staff: Yeah...____wanted me to tell you that it was an extremely difficult decision to let you go. It has nothing to do with your performance, just with such low volume they couldn't keep you on any longer.
Jenna: ....OK.
Pro Staff: But Pro Staff will definitely be keeping you in mind for future assignments.
Jenna: ....OK. Sounds great.

For months now, the company I worked for has had very low volume. More often than not employees were sent home early in the day due to....well...not having anything to do. Cuts were made all over the place. There was a company meeting recently where one of the higher-ups spoke about the layoffs that were going on in all of the departments. At that time, 1/3 of all of the employees there had been laid off due to low volume.

Needless to say, this phone call was a little expected.

There were some strange things that happened leading up this, as there tend to be in my life.

Two weeks ago I started taking all of my personal items home. It was like subconsciously I knew it was coming. All of my photos were taken down and put in my purse. What was left on my desk on Friday afternoon was one picture frame, a various assortment of knick-knacks I got from other people at that company, and a box of tea...Also I think there was a container of ancient dried fruit in a drawer too.

I never took the job seriously enough, personally, to where I would dedicate myself to it fully. New policies or procedures would be sent out and I would pay little attention to them until I was in the specific situation they applied to, thinking to myself "What does it matter? I'm not going to be here much longer."

And then the phone rang.

At first it was a shock. Obviously. I didn't really react. And the 48 hours that have passed since then, I've pretty much just gone about my life like nothing happened. Tomorrow may be a different story. I'll probably wake up in a panic at like, 9:30 thinking I'm going to be late for work and then realize I don't have to go.

But am I really all that sad? I don't think so. If I were upset about it I feel like I would have reacted in that way somehow by now.

However. It's never fun to be told you're no longer needed or wanted somewhere. So that aspect kind of sucks. I feel like that's going to pass.

The thing is, I never hated what I was doing at that job. I really didn't and for the most part, I was pretty good at what I did (all three times they changed my title in the last seven months). I enjoyed talking to the dramatically different people I got to call all over the country every day. I just didn't belong there. I don't have any animosity towards anyone there and I don't regret my time or experience. I learned a lot about an industry I never thought I'd work in, I met a lot of amazing people, I talked to a lot of really awesome dudes all over the US, and for the most part, it was easy to cling to the good and fun things that would randomly happen during a shift.

I'll miss the people the most. Sure we're friends on Facebook and we have each others numbers so we'll be able to keep in touch. The reactions I've gotten from those friends upon telling them I wouldn't be seeing them on Monday is touching. I adore all of you and we will be hanging out soon.

One of my friends provided the whole "when one door closes another door opens" line. And that's true. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. There has to be something just on the horizon that is for me, or at least for me for now.

So what now? I'm going to enjoy what's left of this gorgeous weekend. And after I collect my belongings from the temp agency and get packed up, I'm going to go to home for a few days. Since I started this job I haven't been able to be home-home for more than a day or so. I'm going to see some people and do some things I have had time to do in a long time and just relax. Next week, I'll come back and start anew. Job searching, applying, all that. I've also decided that I'm going to be a little pickier about where I work this time around. Not to the point where I will outright refuse a job, I'm not, you know...stupid. But I cannot work in a place that makes me feel bad about myself for being there. I can't do that again. I won't do that again.

I'm taking this turn of events as an opportunity to explore other options, take some risks and just take on the world. I have this incredible sense of anticipation today. As cheesy as it is, I really feel like I can do anything.

And now, just because I feeling all empowered and to boost that already existing sense of motivation, I'm going to watch Rocky IV while I clean and organize my apartment.

It's a good day. You should have a good day too.

- Jennanigans



I was running.

I was running as fast as I could; speeding through the dark corridors of what I think was a high school. The classroom doors were slamming shut behind me as I passed them. My heart was racing, I couldn't catch my breath, and I could feel the adrenaline of being chased taking over my body.

But I wasn't being chased. I was frantically searching.

As I turned the corner I crashed directly into someone. I almost screamed, but after taking in his form I realized I knew him. He was my boyfriend. He was OK. I was OK. I had found him.

Relief washed over me as we talked, though a sense of urgency and apprehension hung in the air.

A crash from behind us turned our attention to the back of the hall, but I saw nothing. When I turned again he was gone.

I wasn't far from the exit. I walked to the double doors and pushed them open, a blast of warm spring air taking my breath away, and the sun blinding me as I stepped outside.

There were people everywhere.

It was unnaturally silent outside.

No one moved. No one made a sound.

And everyone was wearing red.

As far as I could see, the sidewalks, the streets, the alleys surrounding the tall buildings, were red-clad, living statues.

Some I recognized, most I didn't. But some where my very best friends.

Side-stepping my way through the crowd, I came across my roommate. She was, like everyone else in the crowd, staring wide-eyed towards the sky, open-mouthed as if she were seeing a miracle in the clouds.

I was starting to cry. I moved on when she wouldn't respond to me, ducking through rows of people, all stock-still and staring up just like my roommate, their mouths open.

Then I saw him. It was just his profile from my angle and he was a few yards away, but I knew it was him.

Panic started to rise, my chest constricting, my breath catching and I started to say no. No, no, no, no, no - over and over as I ran as quickly as I could to him. Gripping his jacket I shook him, screaming his name, tears streaming down my face as I tried to get him to respond and there was nothing.

I fell at his feet, curling up, hugging my knees to my chest and rocking, sobbing. Because I knew I was the only one left. I have never been more alone, or more scared in my entire life....


I gasped awake, sitting up quickly and backing up against the headboard and away from the voice that had awakened me. My boyfriend was sitting on the edge of the bed, his hand hovering the air over where my shoulder had been, staring at me cautiously.

"...Are you alright?" he asked.

Catching my breath, I nodded, "Yeah, yeah I'm alright..." I reached up to rub the sleep from my eyes and I found that I'd been crying.

It was just a dream.
It was just a dream.



That Boy

He hated having his picture taken.

To be honest, he hated a lot of things...Especially if they were traditional in any way...Especially if they were traditional 'couple' things. Couple-y photos, Valentine's Day, date-nights, whatever, none of that mattered to him.

They had only been dating for a few weeks.

Having just started college, she decided that it was the time to do things that she'd never done before. She was presented with the opportunity to go to Europe. And she took it.

Her excitement for her up-coming trip was dampened when his reaction was apathetic rather than mirrored excitement. She didn't let it bother her though. She figured, "I finally have a boyfriend, not a boy friend, and I'm going to Europe soon. What's there to the bummed about?"

What's that they say about hindsight?

They were hanging out her in her childhood bedroom late one night. He had told his parents he was going to a friend's house - a friend that wasn't her, of course. She never actually met his parents. Still being in high school and dating a girl that was a freshman in college, was looked down on in his home.

They were innocently curled up together on her twin bed. Laying down, facing each other, they were idly holding hands, talking, and laughing. Most of the time they spent together they were just enjoying each other's company. Suddenly she rolled onto her back and reached over to her nightstand and came back holding a disposable camera.

He immediately cringed at the sight of the camera and the question in the cheesy grin she gave him.

"No," he said.

"Oh come on," she pleaded with a grin, "I'm going to be leaving the country for a month and I don't have any pictures of us together."

"No," he said again. Though he was just as, if not more, stubborn than she was, she knew by his tone, that she would eventually win this argument. Besides, at that time in their relationship, he found it difficult to deny her much of anything. And she knew it.

"Please?" she said, staring up at him with big blue doe eyes.

"No," he repeated. He looked away for a moment, but came back and looked back at her again. He was trying really hard to stand his ground.

"Please?" she repeated, drawing the word out and adding a playful pout, "For me?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "You're just lucky you're so adorable," he mumbled.

In response, she smiled wide with mocking triumph and ignored the flush she knew was apparent on her face from the rare compliment she'd received.

They simultaneously repositioned as she raised her right hand, holding the camera directly above them. She was on her back and he on his side, his head against hers, their hands intertwined between their bodies.

With a click and a blinding flash the photo was taken.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" she asked as she turned her head towards him grinning.

"It was awful," he said, smirking, "I don't know if I'll ever recover..."

She laughed, "I think you'll be OK..."

He chuckled, shaking his head then leaned forward, kissing her forehead as her eyes closed.

In the back of her mind she knew he was going to leave her for someone else and eventually he did. Though separating was difficult then and they have not spoken even once since, she still has that grainy, ill-lit photo that was taken years ago. Occasionally she comes across it in a stack of photos from that time and smiles as she recounts that evening.

Even though he hated having his photo taken, there was a point in time when he would do something just for her, that he wouldn't do for anyone else. That is what she thinks about when she thinks about That Boy.
