revelling in all things odd, dark, delicious, and aquamarine.


The strangest things happen to me sometimes

Hello, hello, my wonderful lovelies.

I've officially been hiding in air conditioning in this
Dunn Bros coffee shop for two hours. And it is lovely. BUT now my battery is down to 11% and I didn't bring my charger so I will have to type fast!

Alright. So there I was( I am rather, since I haven't moved since this happened) sitting on my church pew seat in
Dunn Bros eagerly chatting it up with my long-distance-friend-now-ex-roommate - we'll call her Xinaleo...Cause that's what I callher...And all of a sudden:

This man walks up to me with the biggest, most enthusiastic smile I've ever seen. Like, he was
so happy, he didn't even know what to do with himself.

Even though I was mid-rockout to
Lady Gaga's Dancer in the Dark, I looked up, took out my earbuds, and smiled at him.

Me: Sorry, what did you say? *big smile*
Happy Man: I just had to come over here and compliment you on your jeans!
Me: Oh! *kind of awkward but still genuine laugh*
Happy Man: No really! They're worn in just right and faded nicely! They're very nice!
Me: *still giggling a little* Well, thank you!
Happy Man: You are welcome!
*exit Happy Man*
I should also note that he kept that amazing smile on the whole time he was talking...arm movements were also implemented at the time of this dialogue.

I just really love my new neighborhood.

Happy Man, I hope you have a fantastic day and find a pair of old, cut-off denim capris that are worn in to your exact tastes.

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